Meet Kaiarataki Managing Director, Tim Antric

Nov 7, 2022 | Hemisphere, Meet the team

Our Hemisphere team are curious and creative. We love working with our clients, partners and associates to win heads and hearts. Meet the team behind the magic. 

Who are you?

Ko Mauao te maunga e rū nei take ngākau. 
Mauao is the mountain that speaks to my heart.

Ko Arkengarthdale taku riu. 
Arkengarthdale is my valley.

Ko Arkle taku awa. 
The Arkle is my river.

Nō te rohe o te whenua o Ioka ahau. 
I’m from Yorkshire.

Ko Tim Antric ahau. 
I’m Tim Antric.

What’s your story?

I’ve always had a passion for work that makes a difference. I love bringing evidence and intuition together to deliver results.

I’ve been incredibly lucky to work on transformative projects on both sides of the world. I’ve worked in the hearts of communities to create change. And I’ve worked with some of the most inspiring and talented people on the planet.

I love bringing theory and culture together to challenge the way we work. I’ve been lucky to live immersed in whānau and aiga life at different points and that inspires me to strive to bring different sets of knowledge into my work.

Hemisphere is an opportunity to bring together my logical side and my emotional side. To guide the team in developing fantastic advertising, social marketing, media and digital solutions.

What did you want to do when you were small?

I always struggled with balancing my love of science with my interest in people. At the age of six, I decided school was pointless – I’d already mastered reading, after all. I can still remember being dragged against my will! It took me years to find the joy in education – weaving together science and art to learn about health promotion, communication, marketing, and community development. And now I bring all of that together every day.

When did you join Hemisphere?

I first joined Hemisphere (or GSL Network as it was back then) in 2008, working as an account director on some great social change programmes. It was a great opportunity to move from working client side on social marketing programmes for ACC, the Ministry of Social Development, the Mental Health Foundation, the Ministry of Health, and Auckland Transport.

Since joining Hemisphere, I’ve worked as a strategic planner, digital leader, general manager and managing director – along with a decent chunk of time as a freelancer. I’m really proud of the fantastic work across that time – particularly in the te ao Māori space. In 2021, I was invited back to the team to lead the reshaping of the agency. The result is Hemisphere. An agency that combines curiosity and creativity.

What do you do at Hemisphere?

I support the team to do great work – work that challenges and engages. I’m a huge fan of making sure that we have the right data and theory to underpin our work (and then throwing in a huge chunk of creativity).

I love the way we work as a team, weaving all of the elements together to create work that works. Bringing together people to create the perfect mix is also a big part of what I do. We’ve transformed the team across 2023 and we’ve created some fantastic partnerships – bringing Māori, Pasifika and Asian leadership into the work we do. I love working from a relationship basis rather than looking at everything as transactional. A big part of my role is whakawhanaungatanga.

What is your superpower?

Obviously linking people together is a big one. I’ve been lucky enough to work in many different sectors and this means I’ve connected with some amazing people. I love bringing them together. I like to think of myself as Tinder for the workplace.

What are you passionate about in your work?

Working with amazing people to create something new. Finding an approach that hasn’t been used before. Or sometimes using a traditional advertising approach in a new way.

I love the way marketing can bring so many different people, different skills and different ideas together. And together we can really do something that matters. Anyone that knows me, knows I’m a huge fan of social marketing (I did a PhD in it after all). It’s a complex and interesting world – and one that can teach the commercial world a lot.

What do you do outside of Hemisphere life?

Get back to Mount Maunganui. Mauao and the beach really feed my spirit, and the people of Tauranga Moana keep me grounded. Oh, and I’ve recently started Pilates. Between that and Mauao, my legs are getting seriously punished every week.

Want to find out more about what makes Tim tick? Get in touch and ask him about the Hemisphere difference.