Exciting rangatahi Māori about our electoral system; Stan Walker and Te Puni Kōkiri made it easy.
Every six years, Māori voters can choose which electoral role they’re on – the Māori roll or the General roll. Rangatahi Māori are largely unaware of this choice and the reasons for it. Te Puni Kōkiri asked us to lift awareness of the roll, ensure rangatahi Māori could make an informed decision and increase the number of Māori enrolled to vote. The campaign needed to be rooted in te ao Māori, and to create a fair, impartial and politically neutral kōrero with rangatahi (18-29 years).
We knew that social media was the best place to create the conversation we needed. We ran hui-a-rōpū with rangatahi to explore how they used social media, who they listened to, and how they thought about voting. We found that Stan Walker was the ideal influencer. We worked with Stan to create an authentic campaign based on his own journey to find out more. We brought #FFSChoose – For Future’s Sake Choose – to life through curated content, Stanimations and emotional conversation with Stan. The hero creative was the spoken word piece written by Stan and Sheldon Rua.
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We are Hemisphere. We're curious and creative. We're experts in strategy, creative, digital, media and culture. Let's talk about what the Hemisphere difference can mean for you.
Whakapā mai | Get in touch
We are Hemisphere. We're curious and creative. We're experts in strategy, creative, digital, media and culture. Let's talk about what the Hemisphere difference can mean for you.
58-60 Oriental Parade, Te Whanganui-a-Tara Wellington
04 384 5994